After the millions copies sold of the book and after Saviano’s several interviews and articles on “the System” – as the Camorra is called by its members – something unexpected has happened among the Italian audience. From reading to reacting: the crucial role of Gomorra’s audience By reaching worldwide audiences, Roberto Saviano’s non-fiction novel Gomorra has become a literary phenomenon of astonishing proportions, carrying out a devastating insight of the mechanisms of modern Camorra, the Naples mafia. Hot links enable readers to access a rich array of additional resources. The victims’ lives and premature, traumatic deaths thus stand as strong evidence refuting the myths that the mafia does not harm women or children, or that the so-called old mafia protected them.

Each life history seeks first of all to identify the victim with her own name, and draw out the uniqueness and individuality of her life and history, as documented by scattered traces left in interviews, diaries, testimonies, newspaper archives, and Italian antimafia web sites.While creating a space for their life stories in cultural memory, the resultant history of Italy documents the mafias’ systemic use of murder against women and young girls since the very beginnings of the criminal organizations. The first history of its kind in English, this work reconstructs the life stories of over two-hundred girls and women who lived throughout the regions of Italy from 1878 to 2018, and were killed by members of the Italian mafia organizations, which include the camorra, Cosa Nostra, ’ndrangheta, and the United Sacred Crown.